Transformation: WITCHfest North

Beaver Hall Gallery

29 McCaul Street, Toronto
6pm - 9pm

October 9th - 14th

The idea of transformation is informed by our own personal experiences and presents a broad range of interpretive possibilities. We may become transformed communally through the act of being visible, or by naming our craft and ourselves or interpret transformation as the act of shape-shifting within ritual in a current socio-political, geographic or economic time and space.

How we locate ourselves within these evolving realms of internal and external forces can challenge our notions of witchcraft and identity. Allowing identity to become or remain fluid encourages us as individuals, a witchcraft community and the mainstream to recognize emergent and transformative ideas of witches, and witchcraft.


Teresa Ascençao
Olivia Di Gregorio
Lisa East
Yaara Eshet
Jyne Greenley
Rowena Katigbak
Clara Laratta
Megan Lucarelli
Ramune Luminaire
Ella Mazur
Leah Nielsen
Linda Salna
Kesa Smith
Kim Stanford
Natalie Very B
TaraLee Waite
Erin Zerbe

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